Anil Ghanwat, President of Swatantra Bharat Party, recently explained how the life of the common man is getting from bad to worse, even as attempts are being made once again to fool the nation with.
Lockdown origins and harms – Part 3 April 22, 2021, 3:49 PM IST
The blog is named after Seeing the Invisible, the title of a book on economics for children that Sanjeev wrote in 2018. Economics involves the study of incentives, motivations and information flows which are invisible. Likewise, self-seeking ministers and bureaucrats often work invisibly (and insidiously) against the public interest - more so in socialist countries like India where governments take on many unnecessary functions. On the other hand, self-interested businesses – through their competition for our custom – end up fostering the public interest. This blog straddles a range of autobiographical, governance and policy topics, including the experience working in the IAS, letting go of the Indian bureaucracy and learning new things in different countries, and attempting to build a liberal party for India. LESS. MORE
Lockdown origins and harms – Part 2 April 22, 2021, 3:45 PM IST
The blog is named after Seeing the Invisible, the title of a book on economics for children that Sanjeev wrote in 2018. Economics involves the study of incentives, motivations and information flows which are invisible. Likewise, self-seeking ministers and bureaucrats often work invisibly (and insidiously) against the public interest - more so in socialist countries like India where governments take on many unnecessary functions. On the other hand, self-interested businesses – through their competition for our custom – end up fostering the public interest. This blog straddles a range of autobiographical, governance and policy topics, including the experience working in the IAS, letting go of the Indian bureaucracy and learning new things in different countries, and attempting to build a liberal party for India. LESS. MORE
Continuing from Part 2. b) Governance reforms The White Paper must lay out the plan for all supporting governance reforms to help the farm sector. For instance, reforms are needed to deliver a good land.
The internet has pretty much been the Wild West for over two decades, which is a good thing and has allowed the best among various internet companies to grow. We have all benefited. To me.