2024 is an election year not only in India but also in USA. Time period leading to general election is known to face high volatility in the stock market. Assessment of equity market movement around elections throws interesting insights which investors can use to manage their equities in the election year 2024.
From down payment to equated monthly instalments (EMIs) to location to additional cost for registrations, you need to consider a range of factors before you sign on the dotted line on a home. If you are asking yourself "am I ready to buy a house?", and if you are a first-time buyer, it would be wise to make a checklist before starting the process. But before you start the process ask yourself if you earn adequately to buy a property.
Mutual funds have proven their worth as a successful vehicle for layman investors to invest in equity market and enjoy the higher return that equities offer over a long run. However, very soon many of these investors want to move forward and get the benefit investing directly into stocks which can have significant impact on their wealth creation journey. So here is how you can check if you are ready for it.
With primary subscriptions for sovereign gold bonds closed, investors now have the option of buying them from the secondary market. But should they? - Issue Date: Jul 23, 2023