A problem called fiery federalism June 4, 2021, 10:36 PM IST
Sanjeev S. Ahluwalia is currently Advisor, Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi; His speciality is economic governance, institutional development and political economy. He also hosts a blog: www.ahlu-india.com and is an Honorary Member, Advisory Board, The Energy Research Institute (TERI), New Delhi and Honorary Member, of the Governing Council of the Centre for Infrastructure Regulation and Competition (CIRC), New Delhi.
Follow him at twitter@ahluss LESS. MORE
Of the five natural elements (Panchabhuma) which comprise the world – Earth, Water, Air, Space and Fire, it is the last which best describes the existing relationship between Delhi (Union government) and Kolkata (state government of West Bengal).
Who’s in-charge here?
Sanjeev S. Ahluwalia is currently Advisor, Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi; His speciality is economic governance, institutional development and political economy. He also hosts a blog: www.ahlu-india.com and is an Honorary Member, Advisory Board, The Energy Research Institute (TERI), New Delhi and Honorary Member, of the Governing Council of the Centre for Infrastructure Regulation and Competition (CIRC), New Delhi.
Follow him at twitter@ahluss LESS. MORE
India spends around just under 2% of its GDP on managing external threats as a core sovereign function of the Union government. By all accounts, this arrangement works well. Two generations of Indians since 1965, have never known war personally, except those brave hearts, who chose to take upon themselves, the weighty task of protecting the country.
Budgetary allocations matter more than the speech February 18, 2021, 3:10 PM IST
Sanjeev S. Ahluwalia is currently Advisor, Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi; His speciality is economic governance, institutional development and political economy. He also hosts a blog: www.ahlu-india.com and is an Honorary Member, Advisory Board, The Energy Research Institute (TERI), New Delhi and Honorary Member, of the Governing Council of the Centre for Infrastructure Regulation and Competition (CIRC), New Delhi.
Follow him at twitter@ahluss LESS. MORE
Finance Ministers have an uncanny way of figuring out what makes the fish bite and neutralizes the sceptics. Nicely rounded words in the budget speech – like phonetic “quick wins” – come in handy to send the roosters crowing a new Dawn.
Despite the hoopla around this year’s annual budget, it is unlikely to be a stunning display of “clever accounting” catering to all whilst pleasing none. Nor is it likely to strew goodies all around. The.
Episodes of fiscal stress are unpleasant. But, like war, they are necessary to separate the wheat from the chaff in governments expenditure profile. Revenue receipts as a proportion of revenue expenditure is the bell weather.