The incident took place on Friday when Sonali Waghat, from Osar Veera village in Dahanu taluka, walked for 3.5 km under the scorching sun to reach a highway nearby from where she took an auto-rickshaw to the Tawa PHC as she was not keeping well, Palghar district civil surgeon Dr Sanjay Bodade
Read Latest India News Quickly Here | The incident took place on Friday when Sonali Waghat, from Osar Veera village in Dahanu taluka, walked for 3.5 km under the scorching sun to reach a highway nearby from where she took an auto-rickshaw to the Tawa PHC as she was not keeping well, Palghar district civil surgeon Dr Sanjay Bodade told PTI.
A 21-year-old pregnant tribal woman has died of sunstroke after walking for seven kilometres from a village to go to a primary health centre (PHC) and then return home in Maharashtra's Palghar district, health officials said on Monday. The incident took place on Friday when Sonali Waghat, from Osar Veera village in Dahanu taluka, walked for 3.5 km under the scorching sun to
The woman, who was in her ninth month of pregnancy, was treated at a basic health care facility before being discharged to her house in Maharashtra s Palghar district.
A 21-year-old pregnant tribal woman has died of sunstroke after walking for seven kilometres from a village to go to a primary health centre (PHC) and then return home in Maharashtra's Palghar district, health officials said on Monday.