Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. In a shocking incident, a woman along with her paramour allegedly strangulated her husband to death and buried his body in a 25-feet deep toilet pit at her home in Punjab s Sangrur district, said police on Saturday. India News | Punjab: Woman Kills Husband, Body Retrieved from 25-feet Deep Toilet Pit Almost Month After Crime.
How Punjab s Rural Women, Neck-Deep in Debt, Are Trapped in Microloan Cycles
RBI regulations to check over-borrowing or ghost borrowers have failed to deliver, catching women in a cruel cycle of taking loans to repay loans.
A group of women in Mansa s Joga village in Punjab say most of them are in extreme mental distress due to loan overburden and inability to repay. Photo: Vivek Gupta
Mansa/Sangrur/Barnala: âI feel like ending my life but who will look after my kids,â says Sukhdeep Kaur, from Joga village in Mansa district. She took her first micro group loan of Rs 30,000 in 2016 to open a cosmetic shop.