Photo by Bruce Rushton Flanked by Vanessa Knox of the Faith Coalition For The Common Good and Nick Dodson of the Sierra Club and Sangamon County Democratic Socialists of America, Susan Allen, a member of the Faith Coalition, tells the press that the sheriff s office shouldn t get an armored vehicle. A coalition of groups ranging from Black Lives Matter to Planned Parenthood is demanding that Sangamon County Sheriff Jack Campbell cancel plans to acquire an armored vehicle. The sheriff s department doesn t need a surplus military vehicle that can withstand mine blasts and is impervious to bullets from high-powered rifles, representatives of 13 groups said at a press conference outside the sheriff s office this week
Why are there caterpillars in your lunchbox? my father asked my elementary school-aged self. What is your first memory of butterflies? When you think of butterflies, do you picture a monarch? How would you feel knowing there are 90% fewer monarchs now than there were in the 1990s? Unfortunately, this is true, and in December 2020 they became a candidate under the Endangered Species Act, meaning monarchs meet the definition of an endangered species, ( warranted ) but they are not currently being protected. Each monarch weighs as little as a paperclip. It takes four or five generations of these butterflies to fly up from mountain forests in Mexico every spring to as far north as Canada. By late summer, a single super generation emerges to travel the entire 2,500 miles back to Mexico for overwintering. They lay their eggs