In Sanga Town Council, Kiruhura District, lives a couple with five children, two of whom are blind due to a rare genetic disorder. While the boys were born normal, it is the girls who cannot see.
In Sanga Town Council, Kiruhura District, lives a couple with five children, two of whom are blind due to a rare genetic disorder. While the boys were born normal, it is the girls who cannot see.
Ugandan dairy industry reels from Kenyan ban
Saturday December 19 2020
Milk processing at a factory. The escalating trade dispute between Kenya and Uganda over milk exports, is just one of many facing all EAC partner states. PHOTO | FILE | NATION MEDIA GROUP
After several complaints by Kenyan farmers over the influx of Ugandan milk, which had seen a litre touch the historic low of Sh17, the government reacted by confiscating thousands of tonnes of milk from Uganda and consequently stopping imports.
The move did not only cause an uproar in Uganda, but also saw hundreds of workers in Pearl Dairies, the makers of Lato Milk sent on leave with production at the firm cut to bare minimum.