wonderful, wonderful youth program as you alluded to. it s expanded, the youth program in the city is amazing. this is a wonderful, embracing city that s done a lot for our kids and now i am really grateful that we re depog some for our kids with you a doing so much for our kids with autism as well. thank you. president buell: thank you. i want to thank those on my staff who has worked especially hard to raise the funds for this camp. they are extraordinary and they are to be commended for their work. president buell: thank you. is there any public comment on this item? being none, public comment is closed. president buell: commissioner lee. commissioner lee: i just want to commend you all on the work that you re doing here. i have a close family friend who also has a child who s autistic. and, you know, it s a growing problem in san francisco. you see a large population that i think is growing and there is some research that shows there s a correlation with the demogra
ratio of how much we can serve versus who we can serve? 2-1. there were kids that wanted to participate in the camp that couldn t. president buell: if we raised twice as much money you could accommodate that full list? that s correct. the camp ran for four weeks. we d like to run it, you know, all summer long and i think vicky has some additional capacity. obviously the key to the program is the one-on-one assistance that our kids get. but i think there is more capacity in the space and we d certainly like to run it for a longer season. and my staff is also very creative. has begun to envision i don t know what the mission is. the saturday monthly sessions. one of the things i was most struck by, mr. president, is the conversations that i ve had with steven and other parents who said, you don t know you don t really know what this does, not just for our kids but for us whether we can invest a little time in other siblings or in each other. and how important that is
could feel comfort and. comfortable. i have to say i also received lots of notes from parents. it s just a sampling of what vicky put together. i do want to say thank you for taking this big risk to provide other cities, i have looked what the city of vancouver has done for their camp, their kids on the spectrum, and they are way ahead of a lot of cities and states, now san francisco has really come to the front and it s something i do want to help fundraising, whatever way we can do. i got tons of ideas. and i d like to see the camp grow from 20 campers per week to hopefully more. just to say it would be great to have more options. this camp filled up in two days. this was in march. it went on line, bam, there was a long waiting list. it would be nice to expand the age range to include kids from 13 to 18 years old. there s many, many, many directions we can go to see this very successful project grow. this is a little three-minute clip. each one has a one-on-one spec
done for their camp, their kids on the spectrum, and they are way ahead of a lot of cities and states, now san francisco has really come to the front and it s something i do want to help fundraising, whatever way we can do. i got tons of ideas. and i d like to see the camp grow from 20 campers per week to hopefully more. just to say it would be great to have more options. this camp filled up in two days. this was in march. it went on line, bam, there was a long waiting list. it would be nice to expand the age range to include kids from 13 to 18 years old. there s many, many, many directions we can go to see this very successful project grow. this is a little three-minute clip. each one has a one-on-one special time for them and they follow them with the one-on-one aide and let them go on and explore themselves and we guide them. whoa! you don t want to do it yourself? you can try. [inaudible] hello. hello. is anybody home is anybody home hello hel
being videotaped and have a private utube channel so that these parents who were quite frankly many parents were a little bit scared. the first time, and to drop their kids off, their new camp experience, 20 of them all together. they didn t know what was going to happen. we were able to have some video footage there so the same day they could log on to that private youtube channel and see what s going on. see what s happening. and a little bit of that was put together in a three-minute clip. is alvin here? no. just so that parents actually could feel comfort and. comfortable. i have to say i also received lots of notes from parents. it s just a sampling of what vicky put together. i do want to say thank you for taking this big risk to provide other cities, i have looked what the city of vancouver has done for their camp, their kids on the spectrum, and they are way ahead of a lot of cities and states, now san francisco has really come to the front and it s something i do