The Pen Bay Council of the Mid-Coast Board of REALTORS announces its new leadership team for 2024. The official installation of the officers took place at a recent event at the Cellardoor Winery in Lincolnville, overseen by Paul McKee, the incoming.
Elaine Ng of Hope, Heather Wyman, of Appleton, and Julia Maher, of Owls Head, are the newest members of the Maine Community Foundation’s (MaineCF) Knox County Grantmaking Committee. MaineCF’s county committees are made up of community members who.
Catholic Charities’ Christmas Store director Danielle Elkins wants “everyone to have something at Christmas,” and thanks to the store and a generous community, that’s a possibility.
CONCORD - Speedway Motorsports employees put their commitment to community service on full display Wednesday, with more than 50 volunteers lending more than 200 hours of labor to three Cabarrus
CONCORD — Speedway Motorsports employees put their commitment to community service on full display Wednesday, with more than 50 volunteers lending more than 200 hours of labor to three Cabarrus