sell it in the produce aisle. because when you put broccoli next to turkey slime and fake cheese, it s a health food. and the biden administration is set to approve lunchables. no w, in schools nationwide americans become obeses rich and unhealthy. big food gets rich and big pharma gets even b richeran by treating the obese and unhealthy population. ? so how do we fix this? tru kelly means is the true medd co founder and big food whistleblower and joins me now. i mean it s really a crime to serve lunchables as a lunchdt to school children and it s actually a bigger crime, isn t it, to see how much profit is being madwhile e? jesse, i know we re both parents of new young children, and i have to say, as parents, we havo e to say enough is enough. now let s just follow the moneym and go step by step how this happened. so we all remember michelle obamle oba talked about healthy school lunches. and frankly, that was a good policy. but she caved. of
money. not true. he lied to investors, defrauded, cheated, misrepresentation, allegory, dee, seditious and forged documents. a sham, betrayed and deceived his investords, customers and employees. there were no cabanas, no personal chefs. instead, they got rain soaked tents and cheese sandwiche s. probably lunchables. musical acts canceled. there is no running watenchable and violence broke out. billy raised more than 26 million, defrauded over 100 investors in the process26 and billy was arrested shortly after, convicted and sentenceddo to six years in prison. but afte ir serving four of thoe years and having some time to think about what he s done. is abilly is a free man and hatd a new idea. yrfyre festival two. my fi in my firstrs year, the wor i partnered with one of the biggest and best tv companies in the world to produce a documentarey called after the fire. i ve also worked with one of the biggest production bis to sign a deal to produce fyre festival, the broadway musica
mr. kerry, i know you like, thes to fly on your private jet, but please n, these these people ned to have moral courage and say enough is enoughs enough. we cannot be serving highly processed food to kids as kids. gett are getting slaughteredbbyh right now. how can we lobby the biden administration to shut this stupid money transfer to hinesws and kraft to make the kids sick? how can we shut that down? outcr well, see, i think there s a bipartisan outcry.ue as ki i think rfk, his campaign is really fueled by this issue d as kids are getting more obese, more diabetic, highehigherr ratf autism, autoimmune conditions, everything is going up all at once. we re saying they need more lunchables and more pharmaceuticals. no , no. corru wept need to get back to basics. yo need to get out osif thisdent corruption and frankly, president trump, if you go on instagram, made a very powerful statementmade a sayingg got to get rid of this corruption of big food. big pharma got to get to thee ne root
and self-dealing would be illegal because sandra and sheldoegal sann share the sn account. but since he s a member ofd congress, this is just called saving the environment. big government, big food and big pharma have conspired to juice their powerofit and profits while making you fat and sick, especially your kids. n fruit juice robber baron michelle obama forces her sugar down their throats. well, john kerry s family, the heinhroatsz, they have theis on the school lunch program, a $25 billion market, the kraft heinz conglomerate is pushingloa to put lunchables in schools nationwideteto. they call the plan a penetration machine, getting kids to eat this junk atee school, go to the store with mom and dad, see it on the shelves, then ask them to buy it again. yeah. you ve seen lunchables slimy pseudo turkey and cheese product on a rit pz like. look
look at this thing. look how little it is. is that lunch? let s crack this thing open eve this isn t even. this isn t even real turkey. this is slime. it s all wet. cracke my makeup offff wit withf . look at this. this is. this is just a . it s n look at this. this is government cheese. it s not eveheeshen real cheese on the back. it s congealed. cheez. you know what it says? it it says prepared cheese prot . that means they can t call it cheese because it s not real cheese. they c cheesthey call it cheese. i can t even look at this. it s disgusting. they want your childreyour chin are addicted to toxins and today lunchables are so unhealthsoealthyy. e even with the low standards forh school lunches, it s illegal to serve them in the cafeteria. so kraft heinz has a plan. jigger the recipe. how do they do that? they put one piece of fruitx in the plastic box next to theo cheesethe ch with, and then theu