chance some lunatic out there might hear that rhetoric and decide to go shoot up a clinic. to me such a bizarre and but predictable jump for them. sandra: while the shooting was still going on, you had huffington post blogger, blogged out this demanding that a self-righteous white christians please admit they havement of their own terrorists. a radio show host, while the shootings were still going on, while this is an open investigation and police are saying don t jump to conclusions, we don t know this man s ideology, we don t know if he has mental illness. planned parenthood not even reacting to this. radio show host tweeted out republicans have more blood on their hands. i to back to planned parenthood, we don t even speculate why this man targeted one of our clinics. amazing rhetoric coming out of the left immediately. really, really harsh. harris: that is really critical point. early on we heard from the president and ceo from the rocky mountain planned parenthood who actually s
so, not only is it too quick to judge what the motives might have been but we actually have a situation in one of these horrible cases where this guy will go to court. that doesn t happen every time. so we potentially could get answers. why don t we wait for them? i was going to say the pro-life movement is non-violent movement. by he have definition it is about finding non-violent solutions it is about life. finding non-violent solutions to unplanned pregnancies. cynical to tie them to the movement. the officer who saved lives happened to be pro-life himself. this is upcoming hearings coming on investigation on planned parenthood. there is, they re deeply embarrassed about the videos. pulled the curtain what really happens in the back rooms much abortion clinics. this is what they want to muzzle us. andrea: sandra seems left is saying don t speak ill, not able to voice opinion on legal harvesting of baby parts on off