‘Moss Bread’ Goes To Court ‘Moss Bread’ Goes To Court Thursday, 01 April 2021 00:00 Written by The Grenada Informer (1 Vote)
Curtis Cyrus who resides in the village of Chantimelle, St. Patrick commonly known as ‘Moss Bread’ made another of many court appearances at the Sauteurs Magistrate Court before Magistrate Kinna Marrast Victor on Wednesday to answer some of the numerous charges brought against him by persons within St. Mark and St. Patrick parishes.
A large crowd of peaceful protesters brandishing placards expressing their bitterness and anger towards the actions of the by now infamous ‘Moss Bread’ gathered on the compound of the Sauteurs Magistrate Court in support of the many people who were and still are making claims of being terrorized by the actions of Mr Cyrus dating back to 2018. Over 100 serious matters have been brought against Cyrus based on complaints