Changing the name of Brantford’s Kiev Boulevard would cause inconvenience and accomplish little to help Ukraine in its war against Russia, according to some…
A group of 23 people is suing a group of property owners over beach access Author: Jackie Mundry (NEWS CENTER Maine) Published: 5:20 PM EDT April 26, 2021 Updated: 7:23 PM EDT April 26, 2021
MAINE, USA Maine s tidal coastline is 3,500 miles long, but only 1 percent of that is made up of publicly owned beaches. A new lawsuit aims to change how much access the public gets to the other 99 percent. In 1989 there was what was last of a series of decisions we call the Moody Beach cases, Benjamin Ford said. Ford is representing the group of 23 people.
That 1989 decision declared that the up-land owners owned the intertidal directly next to their property, therefore anyone who was enjoying a beach day or using the coast for marine research would be trespassing. The three exceptions are fishing, fowling, and navigating.