This week's featured development as Newsmaker of the Week just ended is the industrial relations crisis that engulfed the country last week, with three public sector groups walking off the job to protest issues relating to their compensation, among o
Barbara Lee (Briglia) Preston, 72, passed away peacefully on her birthday, April 14, 2022. Barb set out each day to create beauty in the world. She cherished spending time with her family and friends, agate hunting on the north shore, playing cards at the cabin in Cotton, and 4-wheeling in the Arizona desert. Her love for painting, jewelry making, gardening, sewing, and design had no bounds. She was always planning her next creative project and preparing for an adventure. Barb ended each day with a tour of her Queendom, admiring the labors of her love around her yard and many gardens. Barb traveled throughout her young adult life living in big and small cities across the country before settling in her hometown of Duluth. In the 80’s she worked as a stained glass artisan and a real estate agent with the Overman Company. On August 1, 1985, Barb met her soul mate, Paul Preston, while attending a real estate golf outing at Ridgeview Country Club. They married 6 months later. As the belov