Sonu Nigam dedicates Padma Shri award to his mother, issues heartfelt statement - The Kal Ho Naa Ho singer Sonu Nigan also thanked his gurus for teaching him the valuable lessons of music.
I would also like to thank my mother, Shobha Nigam, and my father, Agam Kumar Nigam. In fact, I want to dedicate this award to my mother. Had she been here today, she would have cried a lot, Sonu Nigam said.
After being conferred with the Padma Shri award, singer Sonu Nigam expressed his happiness. He issued a statement in which he shared that he would like to dedicate the award to his late mother Shobha Nigam Singer Sonu Nigam Dedicates His Padma Shri Award to His Late Mother Shobha Nigam.