sanders. sanders versus trump in the florida s governor s race. sean: ed henry big news. we saw the desantis rise connected to the trump endorsement. rick scott will be a great senator. and bruce ohr testifying on capitol hill behind closed doors today. we will have the latest from washington now. the closed door deposition lasted 7 hours. the justice department official bruce ohr told the fbi there were issues with the trump dossier and christopher steele. but the evidence suggests the national security fisa court was kept in the dark granting a surveillance warrant for a trump campaign aid 2 weeks before the 2016 election. ohr s answers do not line up with other witnesses including former fbi lawyer lisa page and
won the democratic nomination. he is backed by socialist bernie sanders. he beat graham the daughter of bob graham. this is a sign the democratic party is being pulled further left even in a swing state like florida. it pits this bernie sanders backed candidate gillum and ron desantis backed by president trump. this should be an epic clash in the mid-terms. sanders versus trump when you have desantis who was given no chance of winning just a few months ago. a dramatic victory today against adam putnam. the president tweeted just a few moments ago: such a fantastic win for ron desantis. the people of the great state of florida, ron will be a fantastic governor. on to november!
they moved ahead to launch this investigation of trump to damage him and to spy on a trump associate. these people should be prosecuted for obstruction of justice, for perjury, abuse of power and about 3 other felonies i can think of. the law enforcers became the law breakers. where is the fisa court? why aren t they holding them in criminal contempt? sean: ohr admitted. we knew that steele did not standby his own dossier. he was desperate that trump not get elected and passionate about him not being president but they still used it. yes. that s a fraud on the courts. sean: is that a crime? it s 6 different felonies as
his big endorsement. sanders versus trump in the florida governor s race. sean: ed henry, big news. we solve the desantis rise and it was connected directly to the trump endorsement and he is well-liked in florida. he ll be a good governor, rick scott will be a great senator. today, disgraced doj official bruce or testifying behind closed doors. fox news correspond catherine herridge s has the latest. catherine? good evening. the closed-door deposition lasted seven hours but the consensus among republican lawmakers the justice department official bruce ohr told the fbi there were issues with the trump dossier and its author christopher steele. the evidence shows that the national security advisor court was kept in the dark when it granted a surveillance warrant for a trump campaign aide just two weeks before the 2016 election. one lawmaker says ohr s answers for the timing and handling of the dossier do not line up with other witnesses, including former fbi lawyer lisa page, who se
knowing including ohr admitting today that steele s shady past and his work for the clinton campaign and bias against trump and leaks to the press, that he was let go by the fbi. it s no wonder president trump talks about a witch hunt. mr. sessions, where are you tonight? why are you standing by and doing nothing to fix what is clearly a horrific inequality in our justice system? tonight senator lindsey graham summed it up best. a lot of people are trying to convict president trump. don t be so fast. i have seen no evidence of collusion after 2 years. mueller is looking at it. not one democrat seems to care. imagine the republican party hired a foreign agent to go to