turn it in reality. cutting back to save money. virginia closes 18 highway str stops in an effort to save millions of dollars. good morning. i m andrea roane. howard here with weather and angie has the traffic. you will hear from her in just a minute. howard has the forecast to get us going. keep an umbrella handy. won t rain all day or in most places but like yesterday had some showers and storms down south. this morning live doppler hdb@ fairly quiet except for areas in southern maryland where we are looking at moderate to heavy showers not quitin to virginia approaching newburg and mechanicsville. saint leonard the shower g in tothe the tothe north an west. show you the big picture on the satellite-radar combined. where much of the moisture is sitting off shore but enough of us to give the showers heanr ot r st ern wesy pennsylviarnmo g. morning. 50s for the mountains.50 wi the mountains. d 72 helo here along the 95 corridor from baltimore to washington and southern ma