happy to receive his new flag. ainsley: that s awesome. they said we will keep send you more. jillian: keep sending you as many as you need. brian: no matter how follow you shouldn t get it torn up. ed: it s become a yearly tradition on fox & friends to help prep for san tapping propel down 22 story skyscraper in stanford, connecticut. ainsley: that s where we find our own janice dean who is going to join us with the weather report. you going to do it, janice? janice: stay tuned. we will see. i will admit i have tummy issues right now. a little nervous. i don t know if it s because 30 degrees out here or because i m very frightened. but, stay tuned in the 7:00 a.m. hour to see if i will repel down this building 22 stories, 350 feet above ground. okay. let s take a look at the weather, shall we? it is 31 here in stanford, connecticut and cool across the northeast. we do have a storm system that s going to move across the northern plains and the midwest. winter weather advisories. wint