Descended from african slaves. [speaking spanish] announcer blending african and latin in cuba. [woman speaking spanish] narrator Magali Rolando is a piano teacher who lives in havana, the capital city of cuba. She eagerly teachches the Younger Generation about the roots of cubas music. Yo soy un hombre sincero. Narrator music lies at the heart and soul of every cuban. It originated mostly from africa by those who were brought and enslaved centuries ago on this caribbean island. [singing in spanish] narrator magalis ancestors originated in southern africa, which connects her to the african beat. Besides teaching, magali plays in a musical band led by 45yearold ramon garcia, who creates his own music. [speaking spanish] garcia ha ha ha narrator now songs and tunes are mixed with spanish and precolonial indigenous originss as thehe enslaved d embraced t e tetempo they f found in cucuba n theey first arriveved. It is estimated that more than one million africans were brought to the island
Descended from african slaves. [speaking spanish] announcer blending african and latin in cuba. [woman speaking spanish] narrator Magali Rolando is a piano teacher who lives in havana, the capital city of cuba. She eagerly teacheses the Younger Generation about the roots of cubas music. Yo soy un hombre sincero. Narrator music lies at the heart and soul of every cuban. It originated mostly from africa by those who were brought and enslaved centuries ago on this caribbean island. [singing in spanish] narrator magalis ancestors originated in southern africa, which connects her to the african beat. Besides teaching, magali plays in a musical band led by 45yearold ramon garcia, who creates his own music. [speaking spanish] garcia ha ha ha narrator now songs and tunes are mixed with spanish and precolonial indigenous origins as the e enslaved emembraced the tempmpo they fouound in cubaba n they y first arrived. D. It is estimated that more than one million africans were brought to the islan
Montevideo, Jun 12 (Prensa Latina) The salinity of running water derived from the water crisis in Uruguay is causing domestic difficulties, in addition to those already affecting the supply of drinking water.