La habitación con las paredes cubiertas de paneles elaborados con seis toneladas de ámbar y adornadas con láminas de oro, mosaicos y espejos, fue un himno a la belleza y al arte barroco.
In Buenos Aires slums, Covid sends poverty soaring
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29/04/2021 - 04:06 A woman cooking in a soup kitchen in the Puerta de Hierro slum in La Matanza, Argentina soup kitchens are common in this department on the outskirts of Buenos Aires Ronaldo SCHEMIDT AFP 3 min
La Matanza (Argentina) (AFP)
Before the coronavirus pandemic, Daisy Garcia used to serve meals to around 80 people at a soup kitchen in a poor slum on the outskirts of the capital Buenos Aires. Now she distributes meals for almost 1,000. We never, never imagined it would come to this, said the 26-year-old.
Since she emigrated from Paraguay 14 years ago, Garcia has lived in the La Matanza department, the most populous in Buenos Aires province.