25/01/2024 - The debut feature from Giuseppe Miale Di Mauro, produced by Mad Entertainment with Rai Cinema, tells the story of a man looking for his wife’s murderer
A Senegalese man was turned away by all the taxis he asked to take him home from Bologna airport a few nights ago, a woman who landed with him and eventually took him there told la Repubblica Wednesday. (ANSA)
The Italian creative shares her favourite places in the beloved sea-facing region where she was born, which is home to the studio of her eponymous brand
Synopsis:AFV Beltrame illuminates sustainability with Italy's inaugural 1.6 MW self-consumption photovoltaic system in San Giovanni Valdarno. Enabling 20% cover
The death rate for patients with takotsubo syndrome is comparable with that of those with myocardial infarction, with cardiovascular conditions being the most common cause of death.