Welcome to the San Francisco Budget Finance Committee regular meeting for thursday, april 24, 2014. Please be advised that the commission does not permit outbursts of any kind please silence all electronic devices. That may sound off and when speaking before the commission please state your name for the record if you care to. Commissioner president wu. Commissioner fong. Commissioner antonini. Commissioner borden. Commissioner moore. Sxhefg is expected and commissioner sugaya is going to be absent. Item one is for continuance at 700 cabrillo street is for may 15, 2014. Item 2545 ash beggar street requests for condominium conversion for may 15, 2014. Items 3 a and b for 395 avenue request for condominium conversion is for september 4, 2014. Item 4924 Second Street is proposed for indefinite continuance. Is there any Public Comment on that item on items for continuance seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioner antonini. Would like information why the continuance for item 1, 2,
Thank you. Commissioners, if nothing further the past event of the board of supervisors theres no update and no prehistoric commission meeting. Aaron star supervisor tangs Small Business month wasnt was the commissions recommendation to make it an annual affair if you recall the Commission Voted unanimously to approve this. This weeks Committee Meeting the supervisor yees medical cannabis dispensary recreations that would require a conditional use authorization for a mc d in the district this commission heard this on april 4th and approved it that the board of supervisors approve the ordinance. Theres a little Public Comment and the land use voted to send it to the full board with a positive recommendations. At last weeks board of supervisors hearing supervisor wieners castro project passed and this weeks is another ordinance passed reading from as well and authorized of last week the mayor had a ceremony for supervisor chius and supervisor wieners ordinances to legalize the assessor d
Candidate for the San Francisco seat 20 its hosted by the Bar Association of San Francisco im u yund w the director of the forum we appreciate you coming out to hear about the candidates this is broadcast between now and the election the election day did june 3rd remember to vote. It has a horrifies of hosting the fourmd and our purpose is it give you the opportunity to see your candidates face to face and hear if the candidates on a adversity of topic so thank you all for being here we hope you leave tonight more informed. Please allow me to introduce you to the moderator affidavit so long as and dr. Is the finland director of the California Center at the Berkley Law School they concern the california skfrm and the Supreme Court. He received his defense counsel rat with his ears on constitutional lieu and very well published in this ear before going to men and women numerator e fulltime he was in active law practice including a Deputy Attorney general with the California Justice Depar
Specifically not saying any type of impact it is considered significant under sequa. The Shuttle Pilot Program adds a temporary Program Involving detainment activity of moving vehicles within a network does not have a potential in and of itself to regulate the activity to result in lasting serious damage to any environmental resource thats the determination that we made on the basis of what was described in the project. There was nothing contributeables to the project that was described that will result in that level of damage let me ask it this way does the Planning Department building that the impacts on riders is a relevant analyze it doesnt matter what the riders think about this. The interaction of shuttle buses and riders is something to its something that will need to be considered under transportation analysis. When a project that doesnt quality for this exemption is proposed its not a situation that disqualifies the project for this type of exemption its not a damage to an env
All right. clapping. so good evening, everyone. And welcome to the 2014 journal candidate for the San Francisco seat 20 its hosted by the Bar Association of San Francisco im u yund w the director of the forum we appreciate you coming out to hear about the candidates this is broadcast between now and the election the election day did june 3rd remember to vote. It has a horrifies of hosting the fourmd and our purpose is it give you the opportunity to see your candidates face to face and hear if the candidates on a adversity of topic so thank you all for being here we hope you leave tonight more informed. Please allow me to introduce you to the moderator affidavit so long as and dr. Is the finland director of the California Center at the Berkley Law School they concern the california skfrm and the Supreme Court. He received his defense counsel rat with his ears on constitutional lieu and very well published in this ear before going to men and women numerator e fulltime he was in active la