Larson and jim smith and thank you for your service, madam clerk, could you call the first item. Ordinance amending the administrative code to extend the sunset date of the Public Utilities revenue Bond Oversight Committee for an additional three years to january, 1, 2019. Good morning, welcome. Good morning. And nice to see you all. This is holly, and wearing my San Francisco Public Utilities commission, oversight hat and i am here today to speak very briefly about the extension. And as you are probably aware, the Revenue Bond Committee provides, independent oversight of the bond expenditures for the puc capitol project and includes, the repair and replacement and the expansion of the seismic up grades of the city, water power and waste water. In fact my street on the road is being dug up for the pipe replacement as we speak. It insures that the bond proceeds are spent efficiently. It was created by an ordinance, proposition, p in 2002 and it was set to expire, january 1 of 2013, the
Communities. Is what we have really worked hard in the last year is a couple of issues and one that i feel and one of the reasons that i seek to reappointment is because i think that we are in good morning, today is the critical juncture here, in october 8, 2015, and welcome to the locally and in the city. The rules committee of the san the sanctionary policy has been francisco, board of supervisors under attack and it has been mischaracterized. And i think that it is San Francisco has been the leader and my name is John Alex Howes and the chair of the committee and to my right is vice chair both locally and nationally on katie tang and to my left is this issue. I believe that every, wave of immigrants, and throughout our cohen. Silence all cell phones and history has experienced the phobia and been scapegoated at the end of the day, every wave Electronic Devices completed speaker cards should be and generation, immigrants have submitted items today will been able to be vin indicated a
You for your service, madam clerk, could you call the first item. Ordinance amending the administrative code to extend the sunset date of the Public Utilities revenue Bond Oversight Committee for an additional three years to january, 1, 2019. Good morning, welcome. Good morning. And nice to see you all. This is holly, and wearing my San Francisco Public Utilities commission, oversight hat and i am here today to speak very briefly about the extension. And as you are probably aware, the Revenue Bond Committee provides, independent oversight of the bond expenditures for the puc capitol project and includes, the repair and replacement and the expansion of the seismic up grades of the city, water power and waste water. In fact my street on the road is being dug up for the pipe replacement as we speak. It insures that the bond proceeds are spent efficiently. It was created by an ordinance, proposition, p in 2002 and it was set to expire, january 1 of 2013, the board of supervisors passed an
Lot or effect or be active in the final process lots of people are troubled by theyre moving loss of theyre of what we preserve to be theyre moving mid block or rear yard open space. One way to be involved attend a meeting to go it gives us and the neighbors to learn and participate dribble in future improvements meetings often take the form of open houses or focus groups or other stinks that allows you or your neighbors to provide feedback and ask questions the best way to insure youll be alerted the Community Meetings sign up for the notification on the website by signing up using youll receive the notifications of existing request the specific neighborhood or project type if youre language is a disability accomodation please call us 72 hours before the event over the events staff will receive the input and publish the results on the website the notifications bans feedback from the public for example, the feedback you provide may change how a street corridors looks at or the web poli
Good morning, today is october 8, 2015, and welcome to the rules committee of the San Francisco, board of supervisors and my name is John Alex Howes and the chair of the committee and to my right is vice chair katie tang and to my left is cohen. Silence all cell phones and Electronic Devices completed speaker cards should be submitted items today will appear on the october 20th, board of supervisors agenda. Unless otherwise stated. Today meeting is broadcast today, by sfgtv staff, jessy larson and jim smith and thank you for your service, madam clerk, could you call the first item. Ordinance amending the administrative code to extend the sunset date of the Public Utilities revenue Bond Oversight Committee for an additional three years to january, 1, 2019. Good morning, welcome. Good morning. And nice to see you all. This is holly, and wearing my San Francisco Public Utilities commission, oversight hat and i am here today to speak very briefly about the extension. And as you are probabl