San Dieguito Union High School students were able to return to school in-person four days a week on April 12.
After spending the majority of the school year in distance learning, the district started with just one day back on March 16 and expanded to two days the following week. After spring break, students were able to opt to return to school four days a week in-person or remain in distance learning.
With the expanded reopening, students have gradually been returning to school more students have returned in the northern communities of the district than the southern part. According to the latest numbers submitted to the San Diego County Office of Education on April 12 (prior to the four-day-a-week reopening), the most high school students have come back at San Dieguito Academy High School where 44% of the school’s 2,000 students have returned. At La Costa Canyon, 40% have returned and at Canyon Crest Academy, 21% of the school’s 2,466 students are learning in-person.