Article: What Do Trump And Charter Schools Have In Common? - Independent auditors are meant to be gatekeepers of financial systems. Sham audit mills used by charter schools leave taxpayers unprotected.
A report from the San Diego Grand Jury was recently released detailing the Jury’s findings on an investigation of the San Diego Unified Port District, County of San Diego, and
By Eduardo Rueda – Investigative Reporter
The San Diego Grand Jury released a report critical of past actions of the San Ysidro School District, citing missing funds, destruction of documents, and an overall lack of financial accountability spanning several years.
The report calls attention to the District’s lax financial controls and lack of oversight by the school board members sitting between 1997 and 2014.
The report lays most of the blame on “staff”, meaning the superintendent and his administrators. The bulk of the inappropriate activity occurred during the tenure of Superintendent Manual Paul who headed the District from 2007 to 2013.
Several members served for long tenures during that period, including Yolanda Hernandez and Jean Romero, who each served over a dozen years on the board. Other members that served during this period were Raquel Marquez Maden, Paul Randolph, Jose Barajas, and Jason Wells.