commercial paper? do we utilize that? we are the sellers of the commercial paper. are we ever in the purchaser s position? we are, as part of our pool contribution. we have money in the pool and part of that is invested in commercial papers. that gives us an opportunity to wait on going back to the marketplace. we look at how much cash we have for internal purposes and if we do not have enough cash for that type of project, we would sell commercial paper under this program is it is sewer-related or under the water program. thank you. commissioners? we have a resolution in front of us to approve that program, can i get motion? so moved. moved and seconded. any discussion? any public comment? all those in favor? opposed? the motion carries. item 20. discussion and possible action to approve the terms and conditions and authorize the general manager of the san francisco public utilities commission and/or the director of property to execute a purchase and sale a
why don t we open this up to public comment. is there anyone from the public that would like to comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. motion to table the item. without objection. item four, please. item 4. resolution approving and authorizing the execution of modification no. 1 of lease l00-0464 at plot 6 with united air lines, inc., at san francisco international airport to: 1) extend the term; 2) reduce the demised premises; 3) modify the annual rent; 4) provide for a deferred city improvements payment to city; and 5) provide for certain terms of retroactivity relating to the rent and the deferred city improvements payment. supervisor chu: thank you. this is the last airport item. kathy widener. the airport is seeking your approval for modification #one to its ground lease with a united airlines in order to extend the term of the lease and to reduce the premise by approximately 3.5 acres. this current lease between united and the airport consists
john updike from real estate. good morning. acting director of real-estate. happy new year. this item before to is a 20-year lease between the sfpuc and chevron for an existing pipeline. location is on the overhead near the san antonio reservoir with an alameda county. it is 5.4 miles of pipeline ranging in the whip of 20 feet to 40 feet, covering a total acreage of 11 acres. it is located to the north of the reservoir, south of 680. as i mentioned, a 20-year term lease. the lease has annual cpi in flavors, as well as a reset to fair market rental value every five years during the 20-year term. this pipeline has been on the property since 1967. . as part of litigation matters that were resolved in 2001, there was a slight change made to the path of the pipelines that then led to this lease agreement before you today. i am showing on the overhead and outlined area here, crosshatched, that will be abandoned in place. the new pipeline slightly above that. this particular lease
john updike from real estate. good morning. acting director of real-estate. happy new year. this item before to is a 20-year lease between the sfpuc and chevron for an existing pipeline. location is on the overhead near the san antonio reservoir with an alameda county. it is 5.4 miles of pipeline ranging in the whip of 20 feet to 40 feet, covering a total acreage of 11 acres. it is located to the north of the reservoir, south of 680. as i mentioned, a 20-year term lease. the lease has annual cpi in flavors, as well as a reset to fair market rental value every five years during the 20-year term. this pipeline has been on the property since 1967. . as part of litigation matters that were resolved in 2001, there was a slight change made to the path of the pipelines that then led to this lease agreement before you today. i am showing on the overhead and outlined area here, crosshatched, that will be abandoned in place. the new pipeline slightly above that. this particular lease
supervisor chu: thank you. please call item 1. item 1. resolution authorizing the mayor s office of housing to retroactively accept and expend a grant from the u.s. department of housing and urban development for lead-based paint hazard reduction in the amount of $2,500,000 and program income not to exceed $200,000. supervisor chu: thank you. we have sonya and daniel. the mayor s office of housing has been awarded $2.5 million from the hot office of helping homes and lead hazard control. award will provide grants to control of the volumes and homes. this is the fifth type of award in the past years. as part of the award, the mayor s office of housing has collaborated with department of public health to provide $895,000 in matching funds. 57% of those funds are from already appropriated community development block grant funds. the remaining 43% are from dph. this 43% from dph is an in kind contribution for the award and is funded by local general fund , local revenue fund,