City-based western music prodigy Syed Fateen Ahmed and Bharatanatyam dancer Remona Evette Pereira were among the 29 children who received the Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar award on Monday. Fourteen-year-old Fateen, who began learning music at the age of three, is now a western classical pianist, guitarist, and vocalist trained by international teachers.
Fearing dip in admissions, some school managements slash fees in Bengaluru
The reduction varies from 10%-30% based on tuition fees for the previous academic year.
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The reduction varies from 10%-30% based on tuition fees for the previous academic year. Amid reports of schools insisting that parents pay the full fees for the 2021-2022 academic year, some private school managements have done the exact opposite: they are offering discounts.
The reduction in school fees varies from 10%-30% based on tuition fees for the previous academic year.
D.D. Shashi Kumar, general secretary of Associated Managements of Primary and Secondary Schools in Karnataka, said they would advise managements to give a discount of anywhere between 10% and 20%. “We will issue an advisory to all our member schools on Monday. We also want schools to tackle fee collection on a case-by-case basis for humanitarian reasons,” he said.