Nicolás Sanchis-Gual and Rocío García-Souto
The hypothetical stars are among the simplest exotic compact objects proposed and constitute well founded dark matter candidates. Within this interpretation, the team is able to estimate the mass of a new particle constituent of these stars, an ultra-light boson with a mass billions of times smaller than that of the electron. Their analysis has been published in the journal
Physical Review Letters on 24 February 2021.
The team is co-led by Dr. Juan Calderón Bustillo, a former professor from the Department of Physics at CUHK and now “La Caixa Junior Leader – Marie Curie Fellow”, at the Galician Institute of High Energy Physics, and Dr. Nicolás Sanchis-Gual, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Aveiro and at the Instituto Superior Técnico (University of Lisbon). Other collaborators came from the University of Valencia, the University of Aveiro and Monash University. Samson Hin Wai Leong, a second-year undergra