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can be around for future generations and making sure that this is a sustainable system. but the pension promise is a compact between the people receiving the benefits and the government providing the benefits. from their perspective, they feel like that compact has been broken and in fact you have seen similar unease around the world whenever retirement ages talked about, when people talk about raising retirement age. the sampler that together is even in russia, where vladimir putin has such control over the media, when he tried to raise the retirement age, his popularity rating, which as you can imagine would take quite a bit to do it in a country such as russia. ~ .,, to do it in a country such as russia. m, ., to do it in a country such as russia. ~.,, ., , .,, , russia. most of the problem is we are livin: russia. most of the problem is we are living longer russia. most of the problem is we are living longer but russia. most of the problem is we are living longer but it russi