I see your point, director heminger. Mr. Hyde, do you feel with the reporting that we get back from 311, and with the structure we have in place of what we expect to see from these Scooter Companies in terms of not blocking the sidewalk and being locked appropriately, people not riding on the sidewalk. If we were to come into a situation where as they expanded they get more numbers, and we start seeing bad behavior, multiply, do you feel under this proposal you have the tools that you need to then ratchet down on the companies who are not meeting our standards . Absolutely. We are issuing permits that are valid for no longer than one year. That is one thing to consider, these will have to be renewed on an annual basis. Its not like we are just handing over permits forever. Acknowledging that the technology is constantly changing and this mobility space is rapidly evolving. In terms of whether or not we could potentially revoke permits. We definitely reserve the right to revoke permits
Posting the poems online with elegant self portraits people started buying her poetry so many that had big Publishing House approached it with a book deal. Instagram can sort of be taken as a quite a shallow place that may not necessarily be a petri dish for you know propagation of great literature its still a wonderful place to spark interest and to sort of encourage people to follow you and then sort of follow your journey and then when when a book or books come out theres so much more ready and keen to consume your work so its a great starting place if you want to be a writer. The rise of insta poets is the latest chapter in the story of online is going to print the big role model is rupie car of canada. 3. 6000000 followers shes a star her poetry volumes the bestsellers with millions of copies sold made. In her possibly the most successful poet of the present day since her ascent publishers have been desperately searching for the next big thing a digital knight sheepman poet to riv
See me for the content that you sent. Yeah, so it is the situation. Now we have tnt, i kinda want benefits from the money from the west, by sacrifice, you know, sending the police force. Im getting the muscle in to hate this to the dog bennett tickets so absolutely. I mean, so we fight how you want it. American wants to rent an army to accomplish something and hey, you know, we know washington has been playing and meddling with id for one of a 100 years, but now blinking, splashing over 300000000. 00 for kenya to send a whole bunch of, uh, a server i guess security guys or the military to the island nation of hates. It is just bribery, its just payoffs. I mean, its, its soap is off to me that a blinking goes to kenya. Thats how far away from the hazy and be a part of. He goes with suitcases of cash mister wash it a i think weve just lost the signal during such an interesting part of our conversation, the secretary general of the communist party of kenya benedict. Whats your, whats join
Russia or any other country at among the weeks top stories is involved where it kicks out the controversial. Let us say permission from the country onto washington snap sanctions on the african nations for professional news. Hello and welcome. This is the weekly when you the latest news from across the globe a long, but theyre bound to the stories. The shape the week is great to have you with us that we started the out with the ukraine conflict where most go stays as trip to advancing on the Southern Front of the south for those yeah, region conversion, Defense Ministry has released potentially sensitive clearing the ground from ukrainian mines and other munitions the as a fail unless this was taken as a trophy by a comrade roof during the advance on the same front. Its an american grenade, or we have those, and this is a german splitter grenade. Will someone punch the enemy mostly uses em . 70 mines. These are american mines. They are deployed remotely. Approaching them is forbidden.
Hello everyone i am here with kennedy and tom and others and welcome to the big weekend showing The Big Story Tonight despite his big push for the black vote. And georgia. Biden they would allow water to be available to you while you wait in line to vote and an election when the heck is all that about. And i am serious. You one by the of margins over the broad coalition, including students from the best in america you guys are good there. They got me elected and i dont think you all think im getting of not getting. He seemed to have one motive and is Morehouse College commencement speech, when the votes fox news course monica medicine is in that letter tonight. Is the first time graph and President Biden has been on a college campus, directly addressed to the students since the war in gaza and since all of the Campus Protest and during president speech about ten students at one faculty member, turned their backs to the president seemingly as part of a Silent Protest and did not take lo