Gay Agenda • May 7, 2021
May 7, 2021 |
The Gay Agenda
Have an event coming up? Email your information to Managing Editor Tammye Nash at or Senior Staff Writer David Taffet at by Wednesday at 5 p.m. for that week’s issue.
The Gay Agenda is now color-coded: Red for community events; blue for arts and entertainment; purple for sports; green for nightlife and orange for civic events and holidays.
Every Monday: THRIVE
Resource Center’s THRIVE Support Group for people 50 and older meets virtually from 11:45 a.m.-1 p.m. led by a SMU Intern from their counseling program. A secure Zoom Room opens at 11:30 a.m. for people to join and chat. Email to request the link.
Gay Agenda • April 30, 2021
Apr 30, 2021 |
The Gay Agenda
Have an event coming up? Email your information to Managing Editor Tammye Nash at or Senior Staff Writer David Taffet at by Wednesday at 5 p.m. for that week’s issue.
The Gay Agenda is now color-coded: Red for community events; blue for arts and entertainment; purple for sports; green for nightlife and orange for civic events and holidays.
Every Monday: THRIVE
Resource Center’s THRIVE Support Group for people 50 and older meets virtually from 11:45 a.m.-1 p.m. led by a SMU Intern from their counseling program. A secure Zoom Room opens at 11:30 a.m. for people to join and chat. Email to request the link.
Review: Fine Arts Chamber Players give a bold, impassioned account of an obscure trio
The work is by French harpist and composer Henriette Renié.
Presented by Fine Arts Chamber Players, violinist Julia Choi, harpist and artistic director Emily Levin, and cellist Jennifer Choi record Henriette Renié s Trio for Harp, Violin and Cello, at the Sammons Center for the Arts in Dallas, on April 21.(Ben Torres / Special Contributor)
It’s a marvel how a winning performance can affect your perception of a piece. Such was the case on Wednesday, when the Fine Arts Chamber Players recorded Henriette Renié s Trio for Harp, Violin and Cello. Performing in the lively acoustics of Meadows Hall, in the Sammons Center for the Arts, violinist Julia Choi and cellist Jennifer Choi, who are sisters, teamed up with harpist Emily Levin, artistic director of FACP.
Gay Agenda • April 23, 2021
Apr 23, 2021 |
The Gay Agenda
Have an event coming up? Email your information to Managing Editor Tammye Nash at or Senior Staff Writer David Taffet at by Wednesday at 5 p.m. for that week’s issue.
The Gay Agenda is now color-coded: Red for community events; blue for arts and entertainment; purple for sports; green for nightlife and orange for civic events and holidays.
Every Monday: THRIVE
Resource Center’s THRIVE Support Group for people 50 and older meets virtually from 11:45 a.m.-1 p.m. led by a SMU Intern from their counseling program. A secure Zoom Room opens at 11:30 a.m. for people to join and chat. Email to request the link.
Gay Agenda • April 16, 2021
Apr 16, 2021 |
The Gay Agenda
Have an event coming up? Email your information to Managing Editor Tammye Nash at or Senior Staff Writer David Taffet at by Wednesday at 5 p.m. for that week’s issue.
The Gay Agenda is now color-coded: Red for community events; blue for arts and entertainment; purple for sports; green for nightlife and orange for civic events and holidays.
Every Monday: THRIVE
Resource Center’s THRIVE Support Group for people 50 and older meets virtually from 11:45 a.m.-1 p.m. led by a SMU Intern from their counseling program. A secure Zoom Room opens at 11:30 a.m. for people to join and chat. Email to request the link.