Norwich Tech Talk: Returning a piece of history
By Patricia Luca
Lisa Velez, the Norwich Technical High School principal’s altruistic secretary, made a life altering humanitarian gesture.
During the first week of March, a letter addressed to Principal Patricia D. King was received in the main office. The letter stated:
“The enclosed class ring was found many years ago – many attempts were made to locate the owner without success. Eventually, the ring was put away and forgotten.
The enclosed ring has the inscriptions: Norwich Technical High School, Class of 1989, with the symbol for hair dressing / cosmetology and the name Joanne M. Palmer. The attached article triggered a memory. Hopefully, Norwich Tech, like Xavier High, can assist with locating the rightful owner. The article was entitled: Connecticut man reunited with high school class ring lost at beach 39 years ago. The article was posted by WTNH-TV-8 “Weather Tweed New Haven Connecticut Community station.”