like, a utopia. salman abedi accessed extreme islamist propaganda online, but it was his immediate family who exerted the strongest influence. his father, ramadan abedi, was a hardcore islamist who fled gaddafi s regime. he arrived in manchester with his wife samir in 1993 and settled into what was to become the largest libyan exile community in the uk. people living in this area call it little tripoli. ramadan was a member of the libyan islamic fighting group. it s thought all the key figures in this organisation lived in manchester at some point. in 2010, there was a report produced by thejoint terrorism analysis centre, which is jtac. that s a. that office that exists in the heart of mi5. and within that report, they highlighted that the libyan community, or members of the libyan community, were at risk of being radicalised,
salman abedi accessed extreme islamist propaganda online but it was his immediate family who exerted the strongest influence. his father, ramadan abedi, was a hardcore islamist who fled gaddafi s regime. he arrived in manchester with his wife samir in 1993 and settled into what was to become the largest libyan exile community in the uk. people living in this area call it little tripoli. ramadan was a member of the libyan islamic fighting group. it s thought all the key figures in this organisation lived in manchester at some point. in 2010 there was a report produced by thejoint terrorism analysis centre, which is jtac. that s an office that exists in the heart of mi5. and within that report, they highlighted that the libyan community, or members of the libyan community, were at risk of being radicalised, the younger members, at risk of being radicalised by some of the older members who had perhaps lived through the gaddafi regime,
members scramble through the debris. what s happening now is that they re basically using the digger to try and pull away as much rubble as possible. then, the men are going forward and looking down underneath the basement, literally crawling between the floors to try and find a spot where the little boy is. at the moment though, still no sign. eventually, the boy s bedroom is unearthed, but there are few happy endings here. samir has lost his wife and now a third child. the limp body of 2-year-old mahed is brought from the dust of what used to be his home, swaddled in a blanket, and driven unceremoniously on a motorbike to be buried. there is no dignity in death here. still, rescuers refuse to give up hope. across the border in syria, almost no international help. but in jandaris, members of the
Kiosque360. Le Front National pour la Sauvegarde de la raffinerie Samir (FNSS) et le Syndicat national des industries du pétrole et du gaz montent au créneau pour démonter l’argumentaire du porte-parole du gouvernement plaidant pour une fermeture de la Samir. Cet article est une revue de presse tirée du quotidien L’Economiste.