In a striking move, the anthology film “Jibon Jua” is set to captivate audiences with its three compelling stories helmed by three distinct directors. Featuring a stellar lineup of talented actors, this cinematic endeavour promises an eclectic mix of narratives and performances.
Zahid Gogon
Young filmmaker Zahid Gogon, who is known for highlighting social issues, said that he believes in quality not quantity. He wants to take his time and make films depicting his political philosophy that will leave a lasting impression on viewers.
‘Telling my stories through quality films is my first priority. Therefore, I am in no rush to increase the number of my films rather I want to take my time and focus on making quality films,’ Zahid Gogon told New Age.
‘It is important for a filmmaker to know what they want to do. They should be clear about their objectives and explore every method at their disposal that may be useful in conveying their messages to viewers,’ said Zahid Gogon adding, ‘It is often said that quality and quantity do not go hand-in-hand. If quality increases, quality decreases. I do not want to stretch my stories unnecessarily. I will make 17 films until I turn 57. I believe that all the stories I want to tell could be dep