decade agenda to attack the second amendment. you know it s a rough year when a 30-year-old hacker can bring down your national spy program but can t find enough hackers to fix your own website. let me give you that number. the number is 1-800318-2956. and boy those star trek and gilligan island video from the irs didn t help. that s why i became a public servant. the minority party took center stage in 2013 and though they stumbled out of the gate, some republicans accomplished exactly what they wanted to, which was absolutely nothing. let s repeal this failure before it literally kills women, kills children. some tried filibustering their way to more gridlock. i do not like them sam i am, i do not like green eggs and ham. others tried to place blame on the president. why don t you get a drink with mitch mcconnell they asked.
i have not. what would be some of the reasons you might be going to the white house? easter egg roll. i have said that other texts and photos were likely to come out and today they have. i rise today to begin to filibuster john brennan s nomination for the c.i.a. i will speak until i can no longer speak. if you want to protect yourself, get a double barrel shotgun, boom. boom. boom. i do not like them, sam i am. i do not like green eggs and ham. i do not, use crack cocaine, nor am i an addict of crack cocaine. yes, i have smoked crack cocaine. when? do i? am i an addict? no. have i tried it? probably in one of my drunken stupors. let us provide for unemployment insurance for working men and women. it is almost a false argument to say we have a spending problem. you can have one child who had cancer, why wouldn t you do
the n word when she knew she did. can you say, settle the case already. number two on our list is the not so secretive any more nsa. who would have thought that one government outfit that was supposed to be stealth city could manage to embarrass or anger just about everybody in the u.s. by letting a rogue former contractor named edward snowden download a bus load of secrets. so-called signal intelligence from its computer system. splash some of it to the media then run off to russia of all places. while the goodies continued to be spilled item by item for maximum effect. finally on our list, coming in dead even, tied for first place with a broken government award of the year, congress for the absolutely inskpliksable shut down crisis of 2013 that featured a dramatic reading after dr. seuss classic in the midst of 21-hour senate talk-a-thon. i do not like green eggs and ham. i do not like them, sam i am. not to be overlooked, obama
case against obama care filling time with a story for his kids. i do not like green eggs and ham i do not like them sam i am. welcome to new jersey. in a moment all his own another of the 2016 s rising, new jersey governor chris christie wins a landslide re-election and sounds like he is opening a presidential campaign. i know that if we can do this in new jersey maybe the folks in washington, d.c. should tune in and see how it is done. the former secretary of state left washington for hmm something else. the fact is, what difference at this point does it make? hillary clinton s benghazi
people don t call me that any more. reporter: another year like this and people will call him lame duck. sons of the tea party, newbies on the brock. catapulting his status. and immigration reform. i wasn t going to leave it to democrats alone to figure out how to fix it. reporter: libertarian by heart, republican by party, rand paul blocking presidential nominee. trying to get clarity on the use of drones. i will speak until i can no longer speak. reporter: one off politician from the lone star state. thank you very much. reporter: ted cruz with a fill buster to make the case against obamacare, filling time with a bed time stories for his kids. i do not like green eggs and ham. i do not like them, sam i am. welcome to new jersey. reporter: in a moment all his