succeed when we re struggling on our own. that s what frustrates me the most there is a lot he should be focusing on here and he has got a relentless unending attack on corporate america and businesses in general in the u.s. ryan, very good having you. thank you very much. thank you, neil. appreciate you guys. ryan tate. i wanted to take obama care and same-sex marriage with the supreme court s biggest decisions, that s what everyone says. you have not met this woman. she s a teacher who s been taking on big labor for years and now the highest court in the land is taking up her case. taxpayers everywhere take note. (vo) making the most out of every mile.
joined the union, served as a union leader, because i know the people i teach with are wonderful people they care about children and i thought we could work together we can change this. but no that didn t happen. i would go to those meetings they were all terrified to stand up to this giant union and so i said you know enough s enough and i started writing editorials about it that was pretty much the only thing i could do. now it s going to the supreme court. that s where you come in here. because now all of a sudden if you guys were to succeed at challenging this and winning on this argument that you have to pay union dues even if you don t want to join a union or working in a larger union shop as would be the public school systems in a lot of areas, that could change everything right? it would be a fundamental change. the biggest change is it would introduce accountability into the equation. right now unions get the benefit of millions of dollars in dues
each year for free be from the state. they don t have to compete for it don t have to argue for it they get it. if we win they re going to have to convince teachers to join the union and pay dues. we think the unions will survive, unions are here to stay but unions ought to be accountable to the front line teachers who are paying for the unions. now rebecca, you know the unions come back at you and say well that s a fine statement for rebecca, she s benefited and gotten good pay increases and good security and benefits and the like as a result of the union protections that she s given. you say what? i say the unions never asked me if i wanted them to represent me nor did many of my friends. they are the ones you had no choice. no choice. and they are the ones that went to the supreme court and asked for these laws to give them the right to negotiate on behalf of everyone and i would also say that their economic benefits quite frankly are not worth the
have fundamental disagreements with the union and under the first amendment they can t be coerced by the state to pay for the representation that the union is giving them that, in fact they disagree with and don t want. look we get to choose everything else in life we get to choose, you know where to go out to eat and what clothes to buy. the question is why shouldn t we be able to choose our unionnd a the answer is the first amendment protects our right to decide for ourselves how our money is going to be spent and which positions that money is going to be used to advocate for and to teacher unions too. whatever folks opinions are on this it s crucial enough that the supreme court has decided to take up this issue a year from now hot in the middle of an election year it will decide i think kite make some of the other decisions a memory. we ll watch closely, guys. thank you both very much. thank you. thank you. in the meantime the pat-downs invasive wait until you see what the
on same-sex marriage would be overturned. in the argument this week, they will push for a narrower ruling restricting the impact to just california and leaving individual states to decide for themselves. all eyes will be on justice kennedy, considered to be the swing vote between the nine justices. advancing gay rights kennedy wrote a majority opinion for both. next up, california attorney general pamela harris and a member of the team defending prop 8 s ban on same-sex marriage with the supreme court. i am stuck on band-aid brand cause germs don t stick on me [ female announcer ] band-aid brand has quiltvent technology with air channels to let boo boos breathe. [ giggles ] [ female announcer ] quiltvent technology, only from band-aid brand. use with neosporin first aid antibiotic.