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“Baby, you don’t have to be, seriously,” the white woman says. “Just so you know, I’m not racist at all.” Another individual yells in the background, and the man yells back, “I’m not racist, I hate everybody.”
In another video, Aunt Karen alleges the names of the man and woman involved in the video and identifies them as an Arizona couple. Aunt Karen then says she found the woman’s place of work.
“I just have to email a few people,” Aunt Karen says. “Or, as a Karen, talk to some managers.”
In her latest video on the incident, Aunt Karen showcases a picture of the woman’s LinkedIn profile and asks followers to contact the woman’s managers. “This is now going on to day 4 that they’ve been aware that their employee has said the N-word,” Aunt Karen says. “And they have not released any statement.”
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Deanna Stemple, whose TikTok username is @deestemplexoxo, has over 39,000 followers on the app and posts videos with her husband, Nick Stemple.
In the video, Deanna says she “backed into a pole” and wants to record her husband’s reaction. She says she called her husband and told him to come home from work. As she’s explaining the situation, the video shows Nick driving down the street on a motorcycle modified with the body of a water scooter. In other words, he’s driving a Sea-Doo on land.
Deanna approaches her husband, who is sitting on the water scooter, and says, “You know how you said you love me?” A moment passes before Nick asks, “Did you wreck your car?”
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One person yelled, “I hope you get eaten by an alligator” to the individual after the Mexico-bound plane landed early in Florida. Advertisement Hide copy url=1&is from webapp=v1
YouTuber and TikToker Lawrence Redick captioned the video, “Keep ya mask on, it’s dead not that deep.”
At the beginning of the video, a flight attendant approaches a passenger. “Some D head didnt want to wear a mask on the plane,” Redick explains via text-to-speech aduio. “So we had to land early just to get him off.”
The attendant is accompanied by two officers, and they speak with the non-compliant passenger for a moment before the passenger stands. Redick writes, “Come on loser, hurry up.”
Pastors keep calling Kamala Harris a ‘Jezebel’ online and it’s super racist
The term s racist and misogynistic history goes back to the Colonial period. Feb 8, 2021, 12:43 pm Featured Video Hide
According to Ferris State University’s Jim Crow Museum, the Biblical term “Jezebel” was used as a stereotype “during slavery as a rationalization for sexual relations between white men and Black women, especially sexual unions involving slavers and slaves.” The museum states that the term’s usage mocks and objectifies African women, and it plays off of the same problematic images of Blackness pushed and created by European colonists. Advertisement