Author of the article: Dave Battagello • Windsor Star
Publishing date: Feb 11, 2021 • February 11, 2021 • 2 minute read • The City of Windsor s poets laureate are pictured during a city council meeting in 2019. From left, are Poet Laureate Emeritus Marty Gervais, Youth Poet Laureate Samantha Badaoa and Poet Laureate Mary Ann Mulhern. Photo by Dan Janisse /Windsor Star
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Windsor’s Poet Laureate Mary Ann Mulhern and Poet Laureate Emeritus Marty Gervais are planning to bring poetry to the community in an innovative way this year.
Windsor’s “Resilient Voices” is an initiative to celebrate National Poetry Month in April by placing short, six-line inspirational poems on interior advertisement spaces across the Transit Windsor’s buses and throughout select facilities beginning April 1.