begin at capitol hill for that that bill is almost a done deal. its past the seven and will go to the presidents test -. chad pergram s life with us on the hill. good evening it was a congressional crunch to get the bill approved before the government collided with the debt ceiling. tonight the scent with the hous and the vote 63 tash 36. all but five democrats voted yes . the democrats are feeling very good tonight we save the country from the scorch of default, even though there were was some on the other side who wanted default, who wanted to lead us to default. thirty when gop members vote no and they were suspect of the plan. people think this is dramati and mccarthy thinks this is the best deal ever. this is going to do nothing. president biden talked the nation tomorrow and signs the bill as soon as possible. the senate spreader through a series of votes before getting to the final passage. senate majority leader chuck schumer played the role of trac coach.
i m sorry, they cannot be a father to these kids be at they going to be playing ball at the in ten years. they will be tossing the ball t dad just sitting there. aptly statistically they bot be alive in these kids are teenagers. when you bring a child into the world, yes, they will have plenty of funny at being taken care of but it s a lot more tha money. if you bring a child into the world knowing that you will not be there for the vast majority of their life, is it fair? we ve seen the nightcap pete somebody in front of you pay zi forward, do you keep it going b paying for the person behind yo or do you grab it and sam out o here. still time to weigh-in but the nightcap crew, the pay it forward crew is next.