This exhibition «De l’autre côté de l’Atlantique: l’art cubain» [Across the Atlantic: Cuban Art], curated by Abdelaziz El Idrissi with Alberto Magnan at Morocco’s Mohammed VI Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art may have ended, but it may spark subsequent exhibitions of Cuban art (or Caribbean art, in general) in other sites. [Many thanks to…
"The time is right for a presidential assassination or two. First Joe then Kamala!!!" authorities say Robertson wrote in a September 2022 Facebook post included in the filings. No attorney was immediately listed for Robertson in court documents.
"The time is right for a presidential assassination or two. First Joe then Kamala!!!" authorities say Robertson wrote in a September 2022 Facebook post included in the filings. No attorney was immediately listed for Robertson in court documents.
"The time is right for a presidential assassination or two. First Joe then Kamala!!!" authorities say Robertson wrote in a September 2022 Facebook post included in the filings. No attorney was immediately listed for Robertson in court documents.
"The time is right for a presidential assassination or two. First Joe then Kamala!!!" authorities say Robertson wrote in a September 2022 Facebook post included in the filings. No attorney was immediately listed for Robertson in court documents.