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Ryukyu Shimpo and Shinano Mainichi joint survey finds 84% of respondents seeking preservation and utilization of 32nd Army Headquarters Shelter, Matsushiro Underground Imperial Headquarters in Nagano<英語ニュース>
June30,2022RyukyuShimpoByMarikoNakamura TheRyukyuShimpo,incollaborationwithShinanoMainichiShimbunfromNagano,releasedtheresultsofasurveytheyconductedregardingthe32ndArmyHeadquartersShelteri.
Shinano mainichi shimbun
Masaie ishihara
Sam grieb
Mariko nakamura
Army headquarters shelter in okinawa
Army shelter
Okinawa international university
Japanese army headquarters shelter
Japanese imperial army
Japanese army headquarters
Ryukyu shimpo
Army headquarters shelter
Matsushiro underground imperial headquarters
Matsushiro shelters
Ryukyu shimpo and shinano mainichi joint survey finds 84 of respondents seeking
Takamatsu Gushiken goes on hunger strike in protest of prime minister s remarks, the war dead are not being allowed to rest in peace <英語ニュース>
June24,2022RyukyuShimpoByReikoAkamine TakamatsuGushiken,68,whorepresentsthegroup“Gamafuya,”whichcollectstheremainsofthosewhodiesintheBattleofOkinawa,wagedahungerstrikef.
Fumio kishida
Takamatsu gushiken
Sam grieb
Reiko akamine
Peace memorial park
Henoko bay
Okinawa first region in Japan to end rainy season, one day earlier than yearly average
June20,2022RyukyuShimpoByYukiKarimata TheOkinawaMeteorologicalAgencyannouncedthemorningofJune20thattherainyseasonhadfinishedfortheOkinawaregion.Itendsonedayearlierthantheyearlyaverage(June.
Yuki karimata
Sam grieb
Okinawa meteorological agency
Okinawa first region in japan to end rainy season
Ne day earlier than yearly average
Shimojishima Airport reaches 500,000 passengers just three years after opening for business<英語ニュース>
June11,2022RyukyuShimpoByShinjiSano Miyakojima–MiyakoShimojishimaAirportinSawadaIrabu,Miyajojimahassurpassedthe500,000-passengerpark.ThemilestonewasannouncedbyShimojishimaAirport.
Shimojishima hong kong
Jetstar narita
Sawada irabu
Shinji sano
Skymark narita
Sam grieb
Shimojishima airport
Jetstar japan
Narita airport
Miyako shimojishima airport
Shimojishima airport management
Mitsubishi estate
Okinawa rescinds coronavirus warning for the main island and Miyako region, will continue to pursue disease prevention measures<英語ニュース>
June9,2022RyukyuShimpo TheOkinawaCoronavirusTaskforceCommitteeconvenedonJune9,wheretheymadethedecisiontorescindthecoronaviruswarningforOkinawa’smainislandandtheMiyakoregion.Thewa.
Denny tamaki
Sam grieb
Okinawa prefectural office
Okinawa coronavirus taskforce committee
Okinawa governor denny tamaki
Okinawa prefectural
Okinawa prefectural junior high sports festival
Okinawa prefecture
Okinawa rescinds coronavirus warning for the main island and miyako region
Ill continue to pursue disease prevention measures 英語ニュース
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