San Mateo is the Peninsula's food haven. Here's how to spend one delicious, fun-filled day in the Bay Area city, with a mix of new and established destinations.
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Top Sushi Restaurants in the Bay Area
From homestyle nigiri plates to luxurious omakase, there are plenty of ways to do sushi in the Bay Area.
By Soleil Ho |
Updated: Feb. 4, 2021 11:04 AM
When daring to put together a list of the best sushi restaurants in the Bay Area, I had a lot of variables to consider. Do I focus on those bijou spots where finance guys used to commingle over omakase meals after notable sales at the office? Or the mom-and-pops, like San Francisco s Tekka, where regulars are made to feel like the owners favorite grandkids? And what of the growing number of places offering vegan sushi, where vegetables are as lovingly cured, smoked and sliced as the finest Japanese fish? Our scene has it all, so I figure, let s do it all. On this list, you ll find excellent spots that cater to a multitude of moods and situations: sushi for the week before rent is due, sushi for meat-free Mondays, sushi for treating yourself to a good time. All are