conjunction now when we do rezoning or if saying if we get to 815 and midterm evaluation, do the most aggressive rezoning. i also don t know what is meant by the most aggressive rezoning and anxious about creating language that various groups could come back and say you didn t do what we or judge will interpret as most aggressive rezoning, so we should absolutely be pursuing language and i think it is in here and if not we should say, that says our goal is at minimum the rena numbers and exceed them. but to go further and say the most aggressive rezoning i m worried about lack of depnition what that means and coming back to haunt us. still struggling with that language unless others or city attorney has anything to say. i agree and think i have been persadeed by staff. (inaudible) try harder. if we have the general sense from staff that the language put satisfies them not sure we should go further because the document is not just accomplishing the rena goals but going fur