yeah, young man, he s a real dreamer. but i didn t really talk to him because he was of no relevance. so just because someone works go ahead, michael. i was going to say, ken, i think you re not taking this in the broader context. if you look at the papadopoulos statement of offense, what it shows is that papadopoulos was trying to minimize his relationship to the campaign when he spoke to mueller about his contacts with the russian professor, with the woman that he brought with him, and others ongoing. also what was minimized was papadopoulos dealings with sam cloebis who was co-chair of the campaign and others. and this bryan lanza piece and i m not saying bryan did anything wrong at all. it is another element in this mosaic of the campaign, whether it be lanza or cloebis or others understanding that this fellow and probably others carter page and others were out in the world meeting with russians with