Prankster plasters pictures of her face on her fiancé’s PlayStation after he spends too long playing Call of Duty
Paul Sims
A PRANKSTER plastered pictures of herself on her fiancé’s PlayStation.
Siobhan Giles, 25, also covered his controllers after Sam Baddams, 28, spent hours on Call of Duty.
Siobhan Giles took revenge on her gaming-obsessed fiancé by plastering pictures of herself on his PlayStationCredit: Kennedy News
Siobhan, 25, covered Sam Baddam s Ps4 in stickers with her face on them as well as his controllers as he spends hours playing Call of DutyCredit: Kennedy News
The sales assistant, from Washington, Tyne and Wear, said: “He s on it all the time - it s his pride and joy.