Nothing brightens the holiday season more than to share with others because like Jesus said, “It is better to give than to receive.” And there is still time to give
Gifts should be returned to The Salvation Army by December 10 and December 15
Paris, Texas (December 8, 2022) – With only a couple of days left before the deadline for the return of Angel Tree gifts, The Salvation Army staff and volunteers are working hard to collect and begin sorting all gifts r
A gallon of gas for $4.40. A carton of eggs for $3.20. A pound of ground beef for $6.13. Record high inflation without record high pay increases is pushing area
The United Way of Lamar County presented a $5800 check to The Salvation Army of Paris Wednesday for the installation of the fire alarm system.
Adding a new sprinkler system and the accompanying fire alarm system and permit, was one of the necessary steps towards the reopening of the Salvation Ar