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they are angry that they have seen other european country bailed out with lots of money and they don t understand why the other european countries don t want to do that for them as well. other europeans think cyprus is a place where money laundering happens, particularly for wealthy russians. because it has been a near state of financial collapse for the bank, people have been closed all week, people limited taking money out of atms, now even the amount you can withdraw is limited, some are running out, the lines terribly wrong and now talk from the head of the sup supermarket association that maybe even supermarkets might start running out of food because they don t have the cash to pay suppliers who are demanding cash up front. deadline, like you said, craig is mon. dave new wrinkle there michelle caruso-cabrera from cyprus. thank you. is he the great right hope? we are going to introduce doubt doc who just mayble the right prescription for the gop. there s nothing better than sa
thanks. this young lady we re about to tell you about, she s a beauty queen with such a very unique story. so much so that president obama wanted to meet her in person in israel. yeah. we re going to hear from the first ethiopian born miss israel coming up. e s nothing better than salon color, full of beautiful highlights and lowlights. that s why nice n easy builds dimension into every shade. so here s a challenge: love the gorgeous dimension of nice n easy or we ll pay for a salon color. take the salon challenge, from nice n easy. cause germs don t stick on me [ female announcer ] band-aid brand has quiltvent technology with air channels to let boo boos breathe. [ giggles ] [ female announcer ] quiltvent technology, only from band-aid brand. use with neosporin first aid antibiotic.
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