A panel of experts say the Chilean salmon industry needs to follow the lead of other countries and develop a long term plan, or risk being left behind.
good reason. the buoys mark the edge of a fish farm. as fall draws near, these underwater pens are packed with hundreds of thousands of fully grown salmon, and there are often escapees. salmon farming arrived in chile in the 1980s. the sheltered fjordlands are the perfect temperature for raising the valuable fish. today there are more than 1,500 farms like this one, providing over 70,000 jobs and $5 billion worth of exports. it s a huge boost to chile s economy. but this rapid growth comes at a price.
as fall draws near, these underwater pens are packed with hundreds of thousands of fully grown salmon. and there are often escapees. salmon farming arrived in chile in the 1980s. the sheltered fjordlands are the perfect temperature for raising the valuable fish. today, there are more than 1,500 farms like this one, providing over 70,000 jobs and $5 billion worth of exports. it s a huge boost to chile s economy. but this rapid growth comes at a price. the farms are taking over traditional fishing territories.
grown salmon, and there are often escapees. salmon farming arrived in chile in the 1980s. the sheltered fjordlands are the perfect temperature for raising the valuable fish. today there are more than 1,500 farms like this one, providing over 70,000 jobs and $5 billion worth of exports. it s a huge boost to chile s economy. but this rapid growth comes at a price. the farms are taking over traditional fishing territories. mayorga miralda fears their way of life will disappear.