100%. judy s family says they can finally move on with their lives. there is one thing that brings them peace. you are religious. does that give you any comfort to know your mom and dad are now together? they are in a better place than we are. what would you say to judy? i will tell her that i love her and i would give her the biggest hug. that is all for this edition of dateline. thank you for watching. ank you this sunday edition of morning joe weekend. it was another fast-moving news week. here are more of the conversations you ekmight have missed. donald trump and his allies are ratcheting up their calls for revenge against democrats in response to trump s conviction in his new york city criminal trial. some examples. in a fox news interview on friday, former white house advisor stephen miller called le on republican secretary of state and attorneys general to quote, get in the game and use every facet of power to go toe to toe with democrats. florida senator ma
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welcome back to prosecuting donald trump: witness to history. it s our special report on in-person, in-the-courtroom reporting of the first ever criminal trial of a u.s. president. so after years of covering stormy daniels and her claims that donald trump paid her to keep quiet about a sexual encounter so it wouldn t come out before the 2016 election, what was it like to see her in
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