The beloved Bhaijaan of Bollywood, Salman Khan is celebrating his 57th birthday today. On Monday, the actor celebrated his special day at his sister, Arpita Khan Sharma's Mumbai residence. Salman's grand birthday party was a starry affair as big Bollywood celebrities like Kartik Aaryan, Sonakshi Sinha, Riteish and Genelia Deshmukh, Suniel Shetty, Pooja Hegde, Pulkit Samrat, Kriti Kharbanda among others graced the midnight birthday bash. From his family members to friends from his fraternity, everyone marked their presence at the grand party. But it was King Khan, Shah Rukh Khan who arrived a little late at the party and stole the limelight for all the right reasons. The two Khans held hands and even hugged each other in front of the paps. The camaraderie between Salman and Shah Rukh ended up becoming the main highlight of the birthday bash.
From Kartik Aaryan, Iulia Vantur, Riteish and Genelia Deshmukh, Pulkit Samrat, Kriti Kharbanda, Arbaaz and Sohail Khan among others arrived in style for Salman Khan s birthday bash.
It was Shah Rukh Khan s late-night entry that grabbed the most attention.